Descriptive Map of London Poverty Battersea - Lambeth - Stockwell circa 1889


Charles Booth's Descriptive map of London Poverty first published circa 1889 Battersea - Lambeth - Stockwell

The streets are coloured according to the general condition of the inhabitants (as the key).
Black - Lower class. Vicious, semi criminal
Dark Blue - Very poor, casual. Chronic want.
Light Blue - Poor. 18s - 21s. a week for a moderate family.
Purple -Mixed. Some comfortable, others poor.
Pink - Fairly comfortable. Good ordinary earnings.
Red - Well-to-do. Middle class.
Yellow - Upper-middle and upper classes. Wealthy.

This map as per the original has been dissected and laid onto linen. These were originally travelling maps and this process of laying them onto linen was designed to greatly extend their lives. This provides a great insight into pre Victorian London and makes a great conversation piece.

Dimensions: W87cm H 82cm
